The Poplar

March 11, 2024

The Poplar

Your branches stretch to the clouds,

each one clothed in your finest array.

Leaves of green, veins transparent,

 dance in the shadows like a sweet ballet.

The life that pulsates through your being

begins where the roots lie, and your heart is beating.

Yet, there in the midst of your soul a hole is driven,

seen through and through,

your strength is proven.

You survive.

You go on.

You waste not your plight; it is your thorn,

and it will hold you as you mourn.

Through your grace and beauty you have taught me well,

as I carry a hole in my heart and there it will dwell.

cc 2024

My Dragon Slayer

July 2, 2014

Will you be my dragon slayer Lord
Take this grief and make it a servant instead
Cause my heart to lean on you and not be afraid
Carry my spirit above the clouds with you
And never let me doubt your loving arms around me

You can be my dragon slayer Lord
Keeping the grief in a place where it belongs
Never forgetting where it is, but at your side
I can stand in the face of the dragon
And know that my Lord goes before me

You are my dragon slayer Lord
Cradling me in your arms of comfort and mercy
Lifting me up from the ground and placing me by your side
Where I find peace and warmth in your light
You are my dragon slayer Lord

(c) March 2012 Vickie Van Antwerp