John Wright Follette

John Wright Follette taught the body of Christ for decades. He was ordained a minister at Elim Tabernacle in Rochester, NY in 1911. He later taught there, and at the Rochester Bible Training School as well as Southern California Bible College.
Born in 1883 he lived to see many changes in the world and the church in his 83 years on earth. He was described by The Pentecostal Evangel as “a man of unusual sensitivity, spiritualty and intellect”.
The pages written here are transcripts from teaching seminars that have been transposed from cassette tape by Jackie Scribner, a close friend of John Follette. Follette entrusted all of his teaching tapes to Jackie before he passed away in 1966. You can find some of these transcripts in Golden Grain and Broken Bread by Follette Books and Arrows of Truth published by Gospel Publishing House.
All materials of John Follette’s published on this blog is with the permission of Jackie Scribner. (c) 2014

6 Responses to John Wright Follette

  1. Ryan Miller says:

    I am wondering how I can reach Jackie Scribner to learn more about JWF. I was mentored by Wade Taylor, and would love to read more of these messages. Ryan.

  2. Ryan Miller says:

    Thanks! 112 G St., Mountain Lake Park, MD 21550

  3. VickieDawn says:

    Jackie Scribner passed away on July 7, 2021.

  4. Winnie Stred says:

    I have the paperback book, Old Corn, by John Wright Follette, It is the most wonderful book but I have never found a copy of it to share with friends . Any insight would be helpful

  5. VickieDawn says:

    Most of Follette’s materials were published by Follette Books out of Asheville, NC by two ladies; Clara Schwager and Shirley Scribner. They were friends of Follette, and he left a treasure chest of material with them. You can obtain some of his writings for free through the following website. Follette believed that the word and message of the Lord should remain free.

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